Letters to shareholders

How to invest in Vltava Fund

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The main goal of the Vltava Fund is to deliver above-average returns to the investors who have invested their money in it, with an emphasis on risk control. However, investing through the Vltava Fund should also save time and effort, bring comfort and peace of mind to its investors. The Fund's management has made it one of its priorities to maintain the Fund as a medium-sized fund in terms of asset size and number of investors in order to maintain a high level of communication with all investors.

Vltava Fund is a global equity investment fund dedicated to qualified investors. The Fund has investors (shareholders) from different European countries, both natural persons and legal entities (corporations, financial holdings, investment funds, churches, insurance companies, family offices) and also founders of the Fund.

The definition of a qualifying investor may vary slightly from country to country, but a minimum investment is always set. The mimimum investment in Vltava Fund amounts to 125,000 euros. You can also invest in dollars and Czech korunas. Vltava Fund is still open to new investors. For more information or if you would like to meet, please contact us at investor@vltavafund.com.

You can also find a lot of useful information about the Fund and its investment strategy on this web site. We especially recommend Letters to Investors and Analyses.

We have recorded one very bad year in the Fund´s history (2008). The specific reasons are explained in Letters to Shareholders. Although the investment strategy was changed at the end of 2008 and a similar case cannot happen in the future, this historical fact should not escape your attention when considering investing in the Fund.


For further information, contact Vltava Fund SICAV, Plc:


Premium Banking Centre
475, Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp
Santa Venera SVR 1011, Malta


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